Explore Hillel at Dartmouth
Hillel at Dartmouth is the hub of Jewish life on campus. Our student leaders bring their passions, interests, and talents to bear as we create meaningful and engaging experiences for the entire student community. Rabbi Seth Linfield is the Executive Director. Together our student and professional leadership creates a powerful partnership for the benefit of Dartmouth students. Hillel at Dartmouth is housed at the Roth Center for Jewish Life. In addition to Hillel at Dartmouth, the Roth Center also houses the Upper Valley Jewish Community. This affords our students the rare college experience of combining personal exploration with the opportunity to stay in touch with a Jewish community that spans the generations. In fact, many Hillel leaders take advantage of teaching opportunities in its religious school, serving as bnai mitzvah mentors, and leading its youth group.
Undergraduate Enrollment
4,367 Students
*Percent of population
Graduate Enrollment
2,299 Students
*Percent of population
Jewish Experience Through Hillel
- Served by Hillel Yes
- Religious Services Available Yes
- Hillel Rabbi/Senior Jewish Educator Yes
- Hillel Mental Health/Wellness Staff No
- Kosher Food Available Yes
- Birthright Israel Participation Yes
- Alt Break Participation No
- Israel Fellow Yes
- No
Campus Climate for Jewish Students
- Hillel CCI Antisemitism Training Participant No
- No
- Anti-Israel Student Government or BDS Resolution None
Kosher Dining
Three kosher options are available for Dartmouth students. First, our Hillel kitchen has a meat and a dairy side where hekhshsered kosher meals are prepared for holidays and Shabbat dinners. Second, there is a kosher meat dining room option in the dining hall. Finally, Vermont Kosher provides meals for purchase at multiple points on campus. Additionally, Dartmouth Hillel maintains a hekhshered kosher kitchen at the Roth Center for Jewish Life and serves homemade kosher meals every Shabbat and on holidays. Finally, a third option is Vermont Kosher which offers hekhshered meals for purchase at various locations on and near campus.
Options: University meal plan-no extra cost;Kosher food available nearby
Religious Services
On Friday night, we have student-led Kabbalat Shabbat services. The style and form change based on student leaders and desires. It is always egalitarian and there is a full Maariv (evening service). There is also a home cooked Hillel dinner every week after Kabbalat Shabbat Services. The local synagogue uses the Roth Center for Jewish Life for Shabbat morning services which are at 10 am every Saturday morning. Students are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Frequency: Contact this hillel
Additional Campus Information
- Jewish Studies Offered Yes
- Jewish Studies Major or Minor Minor
- Study Abroad in Israel Accepts credit for Israel study abroad
- Private/Public Private
- Acceptance Rate 6%
- U.S. Region Northeast
- Commuter/Residential Residential
- Tuition In-State $63,684
- Tuition Out-of-State $63,684
- °¿³Ü³Ù-´Ç´Ú-³§³Ù²¹³Ù±ð/±õ²Ô³Ù’l 97% / 14%
- Greek Life Yes
Campus Voices

Editor’s note: An aspect of the Thanksgiving story that strongly resonates with many people in the Jewish community is the experience of immigrants trying to create a home in a new place. This Thanksgiving, we spoke to a student whose story shows the lasting impact of seeking a new home and a new future. I […]
Trips & Experiences
The Hillel College Guide aims to provide you with a snapshot of each local Hillel’s makeup and offerings. We recognize that there may be more information you need in order to better understand the campus reality, particularly around issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. If you would like additional information about a given campus’ offerings or action steps in those areas, please reach out to us at [email protected].